Faith is a funny thing. I have had faith in God and an
understanding of a greater plan since I was a child. I often have leaned on
faith when the world doesn’t make sense or when going difficult times. Since Lindsey’s diagnosis I have had faith
that we would get thru this. I’ve recently given that deeper thought. I believe
that faith in God’s ability to provide me with answers was often confused with self
confidence in finding a solution.
I know without a doubt that specific people, stories and opportunities
were laid in my path by God. (There is no other explanation of having the
ability 100% of the time to talk to the right person in the right place at the
right time.) But it took meditation on this to stop and realize that I have
done nothing, my daughter is recovering and I have simply been a tool for God
to use. Lindsey has taught me so much; she has taught everyone she has met
something special. But it is only when I step back and look at the big picture
that I realize this isn’t about me, it’s not even about Lindsey, it is about
God and having faith. This is his plan; he is using us to testify to the
goodness of him and the gospel. Knowing that he is the captain of this ship,
not me, not her doctor but God, helps us move forward. He knows her story can
have an impact, he lead me to share our journey so that others could find faith
and hope. For that and for all else all glory should be to God.
So I write this particular message in hopes that this serves
as a reminder, on the days that we are overcome with pride and joyfulness and
on the days that the tears won’t stop from fear of what tomorrow may bring- the
reality is that God has it all under control. That we should remember we are
never alone in this we have each other, we have our family, we have friends and
strangers that willingly help and we always have God by our side.
This is my most intimate post and it may not be received well
by everyone, it may not be my most eloquently worded message but it is my very
best advice. Thru it all remember you do
not carry the weight of this alone, you are not tasked with knowing all the
answers or expected to perform miracles- that is what God is for.
-All my love to you and your families-